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Español: The Flatliners son una banda de San Antonio, Texas (no confundirse con la banda skapunk canadiense), tuvieron una vida demasiado corta, y tengo entendido que nomas sacaron 2 discos, el What A Waste, y Safe Side Suicide. Estos vatos ponian un muy buen show, me toco verlos varias veces en vivo, y obviamente eran de las mejores bandas "locales" de ese entonces, junto con The Strap-Onz. Si te gustan todas esas banduchas que empezo a sacar la Punkcore, entonces deberias escuchar a estos weyes, para que sepas lo que es buen streetpunk, y vas a entender que el streetpunk de hoy es una porqueria. Ah, extraño Texas.
English: The Flatliners are a streetpunk band from San Antonio, Texas (not the shitty skapunk band from Canada), from what I know and remember, they had a short life-span and only put out 2 albums, What A Waste and Safe Side Suicide. These dudes put on a great show, I got the chance to see them live countless times and they were obviously one of the best local bands, besides maybe the Strap-Onz. If you're into all the shitty bands Punkcore put on, then you should give a listen to these guys and you'll realize that today's streetpunk is awful. Ah, I miss Texas.
Canciones/Track List:
1. Nihilism In '99
2. Kill Yourself
3. Military City, U.$.A.
4. Numero Ocho
5. Livin' Like A Rat
6. Homeless Hero
7. We're Punx
8. Life's Not Fair
9. Razors In The Night (Blitz cover)
Español: Los Inservibles son una banda de Mexico DF, tocan un punk ruidosisisisimo, tengo entendido que todas sus grabaciones las han hecho en estudios profesionales, y que jamas les gusto la calidad del sonido que le metian los ingenieros de audio, asi que una vez decidieron moverle al sonido ellos en el estudio de grabacion, y basicamente lo que hicieron fue subirle el trebble a todo, y el resultado fue caótico, si de por si estos vatos ya tocan bien pinche caótico, ahora con su desmadre de grabacion ni se le entiende a lo que grita el cabron vocalista, pero ni pedo, desde cuando nos interesa? La neta esta muy chido que bandas mexicanas hagan algo diferente a todo el maldito neo-crust melodico que estan tocando todos, de esto se trata el punk rock, de hacer el mayor ruido ofensivo posible!
English: Los Inservibles hail from Mexico City, they play very noisy punk rock, I understand that they've recorded a few times at professional studios, but didn't like the way their songs came out, thanks to the audio engineer, so this one time, they went to the studio, and they decided to equalize their recording to their liking, so basically what they did is they turned up the trebble all the way up, so the guitars and voice would sound even more distorted, the result was chaotic, you can't understand what the singer is saying, but it's not like we gave a shit anyways. For real, I'm happy that there's mexican bands doing something different from all the fucking melodic neo-crust that everyone's playing nowadays, this is what punk rock is about, being as loud and offensive as possible!
Canciones/Track list:
1. Trigueña
2. No Nos Dieron Ni Madres
3. Inservibless (Metro Panteones)
4. Risa De Puta
5. Yo No Sé (Animales Del Desorden)
6. Una Vez MásDOWNLOAD
I'm bored to death, and this blog is pretty shitty and dull, so, I'm gonna try to do something about it... I'm gonna change some things around, I'm not going to upload all the random albums I used to upload anymore, I'm gonna write more about the label, the shows I go to, or random news I hear/know about bands I like, and I'll upload a couple of albums each week, depending on my mood, I'm also going to start writing in both spanish and english. Oh, and I'll also try to change around the look of the blog, see how that works out, since I don't really get it, but whatever... I'll also like it if you fuckers that rarely come in here left me a comment or something, just to know that someone gives a shit about this blog.
So, here we go, this is the beginning of a new era. Hah, that was lame...