Monday, February 9, 2009

So, I'm new at this whole blogging thing, and uploading stuff, but since I have loads of good music (IMO), and sometimes free time, I'll upload some random things that I find.
Most of it will be noisy shit, ie. Crust, D-Beat, Grindcore, Power Violence, Black Metal, Death Metal, Thrash Metal... But sometimes I'll upload some Hip-Hop, Folk, Skramz, Country... Whatever I feel like uploading.
Right now I'm trying to figure out how to upload Antimaster's self-titled LP, the only problem I'm having is figuring out how does MediaFire works... But I'm on it.
Anyways, hope you enjoy what I upload in here, if you have any requests just ask.
Also, check out my record label:

1 comment:

  1. would you happen to have any cwill or vae victis
